Project Smartphone

Creating smartphone user experiance usrin html css bootstrap and java script

Computer World

This is a website of Computer Store. This store sell computers, laptops, and other electronic gadgets

Visiting Card

In this Self-Study kind of project I try to create my visiting card using Html, Css and Js.

Marvel fanboy Project

Im a huge fan of marvel and comic books charechers. So I Try to create website introducing superhero charechers whoile studing bootstrap 4.

Indian Eduction Tree

This website is a kind of flow chart of indian eduction system where i try to show steps to study levels.

Chatch that Chorrr!!!

This is a game base project in which i try to create a simple game in only html and css.

SUN & MOON Animation

This is a animation project in css animation properties.

Collectablebooks - the wordpress project

While studing Wordpress I try to make a website for book lovers where everyone can find the most famouse books and and is summery kind of thing in one place.

Facebook Replication Project

At the begining stage of my UI/Ux course we have to do this assignments.

Replication Project 2

At the begining stage of my UI/Ux course we have to do this assignments.

Replication Project 3

At the begining stage of my UI/Ux course we have to do this assignments.